August 1992 – August 2008 (16 years)
Nothing better justified AIM’s first location between the Eiffel Tower and the Statute of Liberty, symbolizing the symbiosis of knowledge and know-how of the United States and France.
Sixteen years later, with a well-established reputation, AIM preferred to leave the 2 floors it occupied in the building, to settle in its new premisses, built exclusively for the school.

Since September 2008
The building, designed entirely for education and training, with the most advanced technology for energy savings and environmental sustainability, next to the CIUP (the only international campus in Paris) and Parc Montsouris, is located in a quiet, academic area and easily accessible by all means of public transport.

La raison d’être de l’AIM :
In 1992, when the members of the AIM team, all hospitality professionals, and also from Cornell’s Master program, opened the school, the only program recognized in France for the Baccalauréat (High-School Diploma) graduates was the BTS Hôtellerie.
With the BTS, the subjects taught were limited to cooking, room service, reception desk, and housekeeping procedures, including some bookkeeping.
After the launch of the innovative AIM Bachelor* program, inspired particularly by that of Cornell Hotel School, almost all private establishments in France and in Europe, including Switzerland (about 4 years later, after AIM), added “Bachelor” to their schools.
* AIM is the very first institution in Europe (EU), Switzerland included, to offer the Bachelor degree to its students.
Did they also all adopt the content of the program it covered?
That’s another question!
1992, the emergence of AIM

With Dean Beck (AIM owes him its foundation).